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Showing posts from December, 2018

Turn Worry Into Welcome With One Simple Question - This Is Powerful

By Paula Eder, Ph.D Finding time to savor your life becomes so much easier as you learn the skill of introducing simple attitude shifts to your day. Very often, when you feel yourself slipping into a rut of fear, anxiety, or negativity, something as easy as pausing and asking yourself …

A Major Cause of Emotional Suffering

By Margaret Paul, Ph.d. Is it possible that there is one major cause of emotional pain and suffering? Yes! The major cause of suffering is UNKINDNESS - to yourself and to others. Let's take a look at why unkindness causes most of the pain in the world. When you are unkind to you…

What Is "Prosperity" Thinking and How Do I Think That Way?

By Christie Geiger The Google dictionary definition of prosperity is "the state of being prosperous". Synonyms listed with the definition include profitability, affluence, wealth, opulence, luxury, the good life, milk, and honey, (good) fortune, ease, plenty, comfort, security…

Successful Leadership Depends on Self-Awareness: What Does It Mean and How to Achieve It?

By Dr Doron Gil Phd Much has been written throughout the years about Leadership: what makes a good leader; what training is available for potentials leaders; is "leadership" a "born" characteristic or can be developed, and so on and so forth. As part of such writin…

Handling Limiting Beliefs

By Jessica J Lockhart Limiting beliefs start very small. At their onset, they're nothing but an interpretation of a certain reality. Something happens to us or around us. We look at the event from the point of view of our previous experiences and knowledge and tentatively interpret…