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Showing posts from June, 2017

Dolph Lundgren | On healing and forgiveness | TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica

True success, true fulfilment has to go a lot deeper than financial independence (though that helps!)  We are never going to be happy until we deal with the 'issues' in our lives that prevent us from really experiencing life as it ought to be experienced.  Check out this talk …

7 Proven Tips to Master Your Time

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you are the pilot." Are you envious of your co-worker who constantly accomplishes more than you? Do you wonder how the successful actor, businessmen, lawyers have gotten to w here they are now? No matter how you slice it, everyone h…

Tony Robbins: Finding The Real You ( Tony Robbins Psychology )

One of the big keys to happiness and fulfilment is coming to that place of authenticity; knowing who we are and becoming established in that.  This is the strong foundation we need to become successful, happy, contented and blessed people who in turn can impact the lives of others!

Okay, So You Messed Up - Now What?

Okay. So you did something wrong. Maybe you made a social blunder; maybe you carried out some task and failed. In short: You messed up. For people with low confidence, failure can be downright devastating. I know. Because I used to be ashamed of things I did or said. All the time. And…

Tony Robbins: How to Understand Yourself (Tony Robbins Motivation)

I'm continuing to post on the topic of understanding ourselves.  What we must all understand is that we're actually all striving after the same things!  No matter what your focus is in life, you're really after the same thing as the guy or girl down the road from you, that…

Dear Negative Thoughts

You've been serving me for a long time. Not necessarily in a good or bad way, but for a long time, anyway. That's why I remember you. And that's exactly the status you have with me now: A memory; an echo. A faded photograph of an old place that's no longer worth visiting…

Billionaire Motivation | Learn from Greatest Billionaires in the World! ...

Modelling- the art of finding people who have already become successful at something and learning how they did it.  Here is 25 minutes of advice from the most successful billionaires of our time.  For those that have a hang up around money and think of it as inherently evil, ask yours…

Success and State of Being

Reaching success is in most cases the result of   deliberate, persistent, and constant action on a set of causal variables that allow a positive outcome. In the spiritual world, as in business, people always ask if there is a strategy or plan to follow, as if having a plan was the predi…

WHEN YOU ARE HOPELESS - Inspirational Video (very emotional!)

Sometimes we are our greatest hindrance, our greatest obstacle in fulfilling our true potential.  No one can truly conquer the obstacles in their way until they 'conquer' themselves- their limiting and self-defeating beliefs and replace them with the truth about their individu…

Want Creative Conflict? Find Thought Partners Who Disagree

I had a great idea for a new workshop. My colleague disagreed. I disliked his feedback and dismissed it.. He just didn't get it! Later, I revisited what he said and decided to call back and ask for specifics. Why didn't he think people would want to attend? What would he change t…


One of the most important keys in being successful in achieving our goals is that of belief.  Simply put, we will never and can never achieve higher than the level of our beliefs and unless we take the steps necessary to change our mind-sets to enable us to think outside the box, ou…

How to Keep Your Mind Sharp

We are distracted by noise, chaos and worrisome thoughts in our everyday life. This results in our mind being less sharp. But there are ways out. What are they? Read on for insights. Here is a list of tips you could use to sharpen your mind: 1) Listen to melodious music for a short wh…


So, how are you feeling about yourself right now?   Do you feel happy and content, fulfilled and inspired?  Maybe instead you're feeling a sense of 'I'll never be enough, I'll just never reach my dream'.  Here's just the tonic to boost that self-esteem and le…

Developing the Habit of Abundant Thinking Part 3

The Power of Opportunity Think back to the past year or so. Did you take every great opportunity that came your way? Or, were you too scared or worried or totally ignored the opportunity? Reflect on this and really be honest with yourself as you consider whether you've truly taken …


What are the 7 habits that successful people have developed to enable them to fulfil their dreams and become the people they have wanted to be?  If we're smart we'll look at what they've modelled and copy it!  Listen to these game changing insights from Stephen Covey'…

Developing the Habit of Abundant Thinking Part 2

How to Develop an Abundance Mindset Now that you recognize the possibility that you have a scarcity mindset, it's time to figure out how to change things. I don't write about having a scarcity mindset to make people feel bad or to feel like there's no hope. There absolutely…

Jim Rohn Getting Rich is Easy

Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out. - Jim Rohn Just a little more of the simple but profound wisdom that enabled Jim Rohn to become who he became and do what he did!  It's all about what's going on upstairs!!

Develping the Habit of Abundant Thinking Part 1

You're a big dreamer. People who aren't like us don't understand our pie-in-the-sky dreams, but we wouldn't feel like us without them. You want to change your life, financially and otherwise. You know that you're going to make it big someday. You repeat this belief t…

Jim Rohn: How to Think and Work Smarter (Jim Rohn motivation)

Wow!  This is a good video.  Some great wisdom from the late Jim Rohn.  A lesson in the brevity of life and how to make the most of it.  Timeless advice.  Be inspired - be empowered :)

Life-Changing Decisions You Must Make For Achieving Success

Dr. Wayne Dyer said, "It is not what is in this world that determines the quality of your life, it is how you choose to process your world in your thoughts." Similarly, Norman Vincent Peale said, "Change your thoughts and you change your world." A number of other exper…


The secrets of financial independence.  Learn the difference between assets and liabilities!  Robert Kiyosaki knows a thing or two.  Here's a review on his book Rich dad, poor Dad. Enjoy!

Peace of Mind, the Danish Way

Who would think that the Dane's have a secret that we can all cherish? The Dane's seem to be the happiest people in the world. So, what is their secret? In North America, we seem to be pushed to the brink. We rush, overwork, don't sleep well, overstress, and are miserable. We…

If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at...

Here's some great tips on how to meet our goals.  It's all about changing our behaviour.  By changing our behaviour we will inevitably reach the goals we set!  2 million views shows the value of this video!

Recovery From Rejection and Break-Ups

Because our nervous system is wired to need others, rejection is painful. Romantic rejection especially hurts and missing connection share the evolutionary purpose of survival and reproduction. Ideally, loneliness should encourage you reach out to others and maintain your relationships. …