Most of us have heard the saying 'it is more of a blessing to give than to get'- an indirect quote from the bible 'it is more blessed to give than to receive'. But in this video Jacqueline Way gives us a life changing strategy and method of using that truth to create happ…

By Sharon Flanagan Three and a half years ago I decided to make a monumental change, one that greatly impacted the course of my life.. I was in a relationship that had become very unfulfilling and at times verbally abusive. I never thought I would have ever ended up with this type of p…
Let's face it. We all want to live free, happy and fulfilled lives. It's what we're destined for, and what we're made for. We're destined for greatness, we're destined for an abundant life. But, there are controlling influences in this life that have the power…

By E. Elizabeth Carter Once our parents see our ten fingers and ten toes at birth, they usually breathe a sigh of relief that we have all of our necessary body parts. As we go through life, we probably do not give much thought to these digits and toes until one gets broken or sprained. …
Who's controlling you?! You might say "I am"! But are you really? Scientists now understand so much more about how our subconscious works and they now know that 95% of the decisions we make and the beliefs we accept are controlled by our subconscious! And our subc…
By Betty Osbourne Most people, especially those who are not as intelligent as Einstein, would want to have a boost of their brain power. If you are one of those people who want to think better, your brain power boost might be just a few steps away. These seven steps might help you in …
Jim Cathcart thought he would never make a difference. An average student from a working class family with no athletic or special skills, he expected an unremarkable existence. But one radio message in 1972 changed the direction of his life & authored his belief in his potential. T…

Mitchell Carney Usually, the term "quality of life" is used for people who are hurdling towards the finish line of this race we call life. So why am I using it now? Well, ask yourself how much time you have left. You can probably estimate how many years until you reach old age…
STOP! Press the 'pause' button in your mind and pull the brakes on for just a second! Have you ever noticed how life and it's busy pace can have us running around like mice on a wheel? And it can have this effect on our minds as well. Quite often we are in a state of …

By Tim L Latham You might believe that success is about coming up with great ideas or doing the impossible, but most success is the result of doing the mundane. It's doing the things that no one wants to do. Whether it's losing weight, getting a better job, doing well in school…
We all know the experience of our emotions going 'south'; that negative, down feeling that saps our energy and enthusiasm for what we're doing. Wouldn't it be great if there was a really quick way to change that negative mood and turn it into a positive one? Well, ther…

Aaron M Carlisle Both a PC and a human being are comprised of numerous parts that work in sync with the intention of ensuring either can power up and get things done. Each runs on electricity and actively seeks to connect with a higher force that is all-knowing and invisible to the nake…
Do people know the real you? Do 'you' know the real you? Most of us have perfected some type of image that we think the world wants to see. But is this for our good or to our detriment? If we hide the real us and project an image of something different aren't we impris…
About Me

- Simon Anderzon
- Hi! I research topics such as self-development achievement and mental health. I have a passion to use my life experiences and research to help others reach their full potential.
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