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Showing posts from March, 2019

What Burns Our Thirsty Souls

By Alexa Keating The soul is the place where the life force resides, from the first life breath that began our lifetime to the moment our last and final breath is expelled. This is the most sacred place in the human body; yet all too easily its existence is ignored as it thirsts for the…

Reduce Your Stress by Knowing Your Personal Stress Profile

By Paula Eder Stress. It's insidious and debilitating. It eats at your peace of mind, robbing you of sleep, adding pounds and wrinkles, and poisoning your moments. But you know there's another way to live. Not only that, but your potential to grow more openhearted and at ease s…

Never Give Up Because If You Do What Is Easy, Your Life Will Be Hard

Do you want to live an easy life or a difficult one? I know, it's a worthless question because who wants to live a life filled with pain and suffering? Yet, this is what many people choose every day, whether they are conscious of it or not. I don't intend to disparage them, howeve…

90 Minute Jam Session

By Charles Fitzgerald Butler The 90-minute Jam Session is your key to insane productivity. How do you get more of your most vital priorities done? Furthermore, can these 90-minute jam sessions help you level up? Not to mention help you leapfrog the average competitor and increase your r…