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Showing posts from March, 2018

7 Things You Should Never Apologize For!

The ability and willingness to apologise when it's appropriate, i.e- when we've wronged someone, is often a sign of strength and humility,  but there are some things in our lives we should definitely never apologise for.  In this video from Fearless Soul, seven things are called…

Have the Courage to Stop Chasing What Is Not Working

By Ralph Nyadzi Many of us have on several occasions heard the saying "quitters never win, and winners never quit" and similar others. The place of persistence in the self-improvement message is well grounded and jealously guarded. True, if one really wants to succeed at…

Amazing memory improvement tricks

Have you ever wished you could boost your memory power? Most of us have at some point because we realise that our ability to perform efficiently is often greatly affected by our ability to store and recall important information when we need it. The great news is that there are amazingly …

Separating Failure From Success

By William T. Batten What makes someone successful? Many things help, there's no question. Seeing what other people don't. Being lucky. Having the courage to try things even when they're risky. Money. Connections. Specialised training and all the right certifications. If …

Do What Is Right, Not What Is Easy

By Sergei VanBellinghen It is so important to do what is right, not what is easy , when you believe in something, even when the rest of the world seems against you. Yes, it takes a lot of courage to be in a situation that requires you to stand 'alone.' But why avoid such a conf…

5 Tips to Build a Positive Life

By Porter L Anderson Keep track of things you are grateful for from that day. This is often something that is suggested to maintain a positive outlook because it can be very effective when you focus on the good things that have happened that day. I personally try to write down at l…

How To Become A Money Magnet! (Use This!)

Those who are wise have come to understand that money is not the answer to everything and it certainly isn't a requirement of happiness, but it does provide several things which are of significant value in our world - It gives us choices - When we're tied to a job that is …