By Stephen Russell-Lacy How keen are you to get up in the morning and follow your ordinary day? Have you the enthusiasm needed to do what is fulfilling and good? "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm". (Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher) With inspiratio…
Have you ever felt that you are banging your head against a brick wall? That you are investing great effort in a project or goal but achieving little results? Sometimes our biggest enemy is ourselves, or more specifically 'our minds'. Our beliefs and expectations can either l…

By Susan Leigh How many of us have had the expression, 'it's alright for you' directed at us? Whether uttered verbally or implied through a look or a sneer, the sense that we're somehow blessed with super-special advantages can be galling. It may be perceived as 'a…
"If you think you're going to be successful without hard work, you're fooling yourself" -Arnold Schwarzenegger If we want to achieve something that others have achieved, we have to think how they think and do what they did. So it makes sense to narrow down j…

By Trent Fisher The dictionary defines extraordinary as: "beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established." You were not born to be ordinary. You are a unique individual; you will never be satisfied with an average life. There was no one in the past, currently alive…
What is the key to changing our life's external circumstances? We've heard before that the answer is that we need to change our thoughts. But, how do we do that and why does it seem so hard to do? The answer is that we are often trying to change our conscious thoughts and b…
Change your life, change your future! If your life was a book, what story are you writing? One of the greatest life lessons we can learn is to realise that our progress and success in life is completely dependent on us! No one else is going to live our lives for us or make the diffi…
By Trent Fisher Following your life purpose has so many advantages it's incredible that so many people don't discover theirs. You may think that you don't have a purpose, but I disagree. I believe everyone on this planet has a purpose to fulfil. It may not be something gran…
What's our most precious resource? Not money - we always have the option of working hard and getting more of it! It's our time! It's the one thing we've got the least control over! So, if we're smart we'll use what we've still got to it's maximum po…
Do you want to be high achiever? Maybe, maybe not! Maybe becoming a 'high achiever' isn't specifically on your list of things to accomplish, but what about if we rephrase it?! Do you want to make your life count? Do you want to make a difference with the life you've…
About Me

- Simon Anderzon
- Hi! I research topics such as self-development achievement and mental health. I have a passion to use my life experiences and research to help others reach their full potential.
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